Tuesday 14 January 2014

Tuesdays, Treats, & Truths - Nelly Bellie

Happy Tuesday Nelly Bellier's!


I have a few treats for you today, including a 'Sisters Tell All' update on last nights The Bachelor episode, staring Juan Pablo. 

Before we get in to The Bachelor, let's talk about some random things that I am loving right now. I always enjoy hearing about new products, or reading reviews on products that I use or am thinking about purchasing, so here are some of my current top recommendations.

My Current Random Recommendations

If you don't have the time to make your own pesto then I highly recommend Jamie Oliver's Green Pesto and his Italian Herb Pesto. I go through this stuff like there's no tomorrow, and I love using it on wraps. Who needs butter, mayonnaise, or mustard when you can have pesto? He also has some other types of pesto that I am excited to try. Here is a link to all of his pestos, which includes a list of some great ways to incorporate them into your meals.

If you have children and they are fussy eaters, or if you want to make something fun for a kids party, then I highly recommend getting some sandwich cutters from Pottery Barn (you can also buy them at many other stores). They come in all different shapes and your kids will love eating a sandwich that looks like a frog, a cupcake, or a train with a caboose! They are half price at Pottery Barn so click here to get yours. Who doesn't love a sale?!

About 1 - 2 months ago we switched Nelly over to Acana Puppy Food (for small breeds) and it has made a huge different to her tummy, her coat, and even to her leaking eye. West Highland Terriers have huge problems with allergies, so after doing some research and talking to a few people, we decided that Acana Puppy Food was the way to go. I won't regurgitate all of the reasons why I recommend this food, or what it has to offer, when it's all on their website, so click here. They have dog food for all ages, and all breeds and sizes, so if you are looking for some healthy, fabulous puppy or dog food, then I highly recommend giving their food a go. Nelly also recommends it, she loves it!

If you are looking for a really great face lotion, then I highly recommend Alyria's Oil Free Hydrating Lotion. Chris has had some issues with his skin over the years, and he has to use an oil free lotion no matter what. I am lucky and have pretty easy going skin. My skin is not oily at all but occasionally dry, especially during the winter months. Our dermatologist recommended this lotion, and we both love it. It comes with a pump so you don't have to worry about using too much or getting it all out of the bottle, and I only need one, to one and half pumps per use. This stuff soaks right in to your skin, and it's obviously not oily because it's oil free. It keeps our skin hydrated throughout the day and looking good! The best part is that we can share the bottle, which isn't always easy when you have different skin types. It is on the pricier side, but it is well worth it. You only have one face after all! Click here to find out more.

'Sisters Tell All' - The Bachelor - Episode 2

My sister and I definitely have some different opinions on the bachelorettes, which makes this collaboration so much fun! I also think you'll have a few 'laugh out loud moments' when you read my sisters thoughts; I know I did! (If you want to read our Episode 1 comments click here).

Feel free to add your thoughts in the comments area at the bottom of this blog.

  • Renee. Renee is definitely above and beyond the top bachelorette in my opinion (which I have said from Episode 1). They were super cute when they were cuddling together, and you could see that they wanted to kiss, but I think it’s very cool that they waited. I love her (yes I am going to go out on a limb and say that she is the one). I also love that she supports all of the other girls even when they are acting cray cray. Go Renee!
  • Clare. Seems flaky and fake to me. It is very sad about her dad's passing, but it doesn't mean they belong together. Again, like I said in 'Sisters Tell All - The Bachelor - Episode 1' something doesn’t feel right. I also think their first date was way too intense, and some of the things she said were over the top, like "I could definitely be falling for this guy…". She seems ready to marry him after one date.
  • Kat (medical sales rep). I like Kat. I think she is down to earth, funny, and cute. Their first date was a bit strange, but they had lots of fun together. I really feel that if you and your partner have the ability to have fun together in all different situations, then you will have a great and strong relationship.
  • Lucy. Naked girl. That is all. (Why didn’t he vote her off! Well he's probably enjoying her voyeurism, silly question.)
  • Cassandra. Also has a child (a son). She seems sweet and down to earth but I think she will end up going home on her own accord. I don't think she'll be able to be apart from her son for that much longer.
  • Amy L. (The girl who did the interview with Juan Pablo). I don't know about you but I found that whole scene with her interviewing Juan Pablo very awkward to watch. She was awkward, he looked like he wanted to run off camera, and I wanted to look away from the television. I don’t think that’s going anywhere. (I wrote that before she got voted off, again Juan and I are on the same page).
  • Sharleen. Aka first impression rose girl. I was really glad that she said she was rude when she accepted the first impression rose, because she was. I feel like she really needs to come out of her shell and maybe put down a few walls, but I can understand why they would be up on this show! I do like how she keeps it real though. I don't think anyone can know after spending a 10 minute conversation with someone that they are the one. She was honest and real from the get go, but she could have accepted the rose in a nicer way. I am still on the fence about Sharleen.
  • Victoria. Last but not least. To sum it up... oh no! First let me say as I said before, there can only be Juan Victoria and it’s not that girl! How embarrassing. I feel really embarrassed for her, and I’m pretty sure her name is Veronica, they made a mistake. I know that we all make mistakes, and I can't sit here and say to you that I've been perfect my whole life (haha), but she definitely did need to be voted off so that she can work and focus on herself for a bit. I think Juan Pablo handled it all impeccably, and like a true gentleman.

  • Clare. I like her. She skates like me, except she's better. Hopefully, she doesn't suffer from the first date curse. Next bachelorette if she's not 'the one'? She should date in real life too, though. Online dating can be great too. ;)
  • Juan Pablo took his shirt off...I think I blacked out for a minute :) Loving his track suit!! I want to do an electric run now!!) (this comment cracked me up Sista and I think we can all agree that Juan Pablo should take his shirt off more)
  • Hey that's Josh from the X Factor singing. Glad he was on the X Factor before the show became so bad that I banned it from our house!
  • Kat. He is verryy attracted to her!!! Don't think he needed the electric suit!
  • Lucy. I think she might stick around for a bit, but why??? Naked here, naked there, naked everywhere! Why doesn't she want a one-on-one date? So more people can see her naked!!
  • Andi. I like Andi. So does my husband, but in a different way. :) The naked pic with Andi, Juan Pablo, and Lucy looked like one of those pictures from those crazy/ugly picture sites that people post on Facebook though.
  • Wonder why he didn't kiss Renee. He's definitely not a kissing bandit like some of the previous Bachelors and Bachelorettes. She threw herself at him! She was nice to Cassandra.
  • Victoria. Oh my. Poor girl. Loved how Juan Pablo handled it. Felt so bad for her. Everyone makes mistakes.
  • Nikki the nurse. Juan Pablo likes her. She's going far.
  • Kelly. I don't like her. Just don't. The rose? Really? He must have been confused after all the drama with Victoria. 
  • Amy. Hmm. OK. Her schtick is odd.
  • Opera girl Sharleen. Like her explanation for the first impression rose reaction. Don't like the bed sheet she was wearing.
  • Cassandra. Love that Juan Pablo didn't make out with her when she cried.
  • Rose ceremony comments: not surprised. That's all I have to say. 


Nelly Bellie Truths

I am happy to report that all is well with Nelly and I right now. She is now about 9 days away from turning 8 months, and she has definitely calmed down a lot. I can't believe I'm saying this, but she is actually being a little less stubborn as well (knock on wood that this continues). We still play and run around together a lot, but she also chill-axes a lot more too, and she seems to go with the ebb and flow of our life. 
I am definitely enjoying this age. 

She still loves her dad more than me (daddy's little girl) but I am totally ok with that, because she is a lover, not a fighter. I was just saying to mum today how lucky we are to have such a friendly and loving puppy. Nelly loves everyone. She always tries to say hello to anyone that passes us on the street, and she definitely has a kind and soft soul. She's a big time cuddle bunny and she loves us no matter what.

Life Truths

Have you ever noticed that when you make a decision in life, it's not long before the universe tells you that you made the right or wrong decision? Chris and I have made two pretty major life changing decisions, and I know that we have made the right ones because everything seems to be falling into place and I feel so much more peaceful and calm

I do think that it is important to weigh your options and to make pro and con lists, etc, but I also think that making a choice and putting action behind your choice will really give you all the answers that you need. Actions speak louder than words.

My bezziemate is off to Spain today for about 2 months with her husband and my non-blood nephew and niece. I am so excited for them and if you can afford to do something like this, then I say go for it! This experience is something that they will have for a life time, and their travel adventures can never be taken away from them by anyone. I love them so much, and wish them the most fabulous time! (Just a side note here. I know that we all can't afford to head off to Spain, but I think it's important that we also see what we can do. There are so many fun adventures that you can do on small budgets. Sometimes we forget what's in our backyard and we are quick to make obstacles for ourselves).

Life is an adventure if you choose to make it one, and I personally believe that if you don't go on as many adventures as you can than you will definitely regret it, or be missing out on some really amazing stuff. Make 2014 the year that you grab life by the horns and pull! Your horns could be a career change, starting a blog, heading to France to learn French, taking a cooking class, or travelling a few hours out of town to somewhere you haven't been before. It doesn't matter what size of horns you have, it just matters that you use them!

Some more treats for you…

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I like driving around with my two dogs, especially on the freeways. I make them wear little hats so I can use the car-pool lanes.” ~ Monica Piper

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