Thursday 23 January 2014

Thursday is usually all Nelly Bellie but today it's all Nadia

Hello Nelly Belliers!

Happy Thursday everyone! So I returned to work this week. I am working full-time while going to school part-time, and I am pooped. It's always hard getting back into the swing of things, but on the other hand I am loving the human interaction. When I was in school full-time I mostly interacted with Nelly, and as you can probably guess we had very one-directional conversations. An extra bonus of my work situation is that my good friend Laura is working in the same building as me! I get to see her every lunch hour! Of all the buildings in the city and I end up getting a gig in the same one as my lovely Laura! The universe definitely wants us to spend more time together!


So as some of you might know I posted a very important blog yesterday (if you haven't read it click here). My friend's 2 year old daughter is very ill, and if you are Canada I urge you to register on the 
Canadian Blood Services' OneMatch stem cell and marrow network registry (click here to register now). 

It takes no time at all, and before you know it you'll get some cheek swabs in the mail, with a return envelope, you send it back, and voila, you are done. A grand total of about 5 minutes (including the online registration) is all it takes to possibly save a life! 

Also, if you aren't in Canada every country has its own registry, so just do a Google search to find out how to register in your country. 

I also would like to reiterate that if you aren't in the required age bracket, there are still so many things that you can do to help. 

Here are a few ideas. These apply to anyone who is going through a similar situation:
  • Spread the word on Facebook, Twitter, BlogLovin, Blogger, Pinterest, Instagram, a message board, a cork board at work, or any other way that you can reach other people;
  • Encourage your friends, family, coworkers, etc, that are in the age bracket to register;
  • Donate money to a registry in your country; 
  • Phone, email, or visit a friend who is going through something similar and let them know that you are there for them. Ask them if there's anything you can do to help. Sometimes they just need to talk, and all you have to do is listen and give them lots of hugs;
  • Offer to babysit, do chores, or run errands for your friend;
  • Make your friend and their child a care package;
  • Host a fundraiser, event, or drive in their honour;
  • Think outside of the box!

There are so many things that you can do that truly makes a difference. So please help any way that you can. 

Nadia's case is a matter of life and death, so please take one minute to do something from list of above in her honour; every little bit counts!

I have to say that since I received Tara's answers to my questions about her daughter Nadia and what they are going through, it really has put things in perspective for me. My favourite saying (which I said during my interview for the job that I am working at) is "life is short", and then I like to add "grab life by the horns and pull" or "grab life by the balls" (the non-PG version). Life is short, that's the truth. We don't know how much time we have, so make every minute count, and when you are about to complain or think badly about some aspect of your life or day, remember what other people are going through. Most of us are extremely lucky, and at times we easily forget how lucky we are, including myself. 

This post is going to be short and sweet. My energy and my thoughts right now are focused on helping my friend and her beautiful daughter. I think sometimes putting a face to a story makes it that much more real, so here is my favourite photograph of Nadia. How can you look at her adorable face and not want to help?!

oxo NADIA oxo

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"Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of others. Step forward, reach out and help. This week reach to someone that might need a lift" Pablo

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