Thursday 16 January 2014

Thursday is all Nelly Bellie - Thursday Update, Recommendations, The Truth About Owning A Puppy & more!

Hello Nelly Belliers!

Happy Thursday everyone! The week-end is almost here. Yayyyyy! What is everyone up to this weekend? Chris and I are meeting my brother and his wife for dinner on Saturday. We haven't seen them since our Ugly Christmas Sweater Party (click here to see our homemade Ugly Christmas sweaters). Our party was a couple of weeks before Christmas, so it's about time for some brother / sister bonding time!


I went for my
yearly check-up today and I got the works [it sounds like I went to a car wash :)]. Even if your doctor says that everything looks good, it is always nerve racking waiting for all your test results to come back, but I'm happy that I went and I urge you to do the same. I won't repeat all of the many reasons why taking care of your health is vital, so click here to read my blog post about that. If you haven't had a check-up in over a year, please stop reading this, pick up the phone and book your appointment now.

So I decided that if I got some work under my belt that I would treat myself and my hair to a makeover. I am really tired of the colour, and the style that I had has completely disappeared because my hair grows like a weed. Also, I tend to always wear my hair up these days (which is ironic because up until about two years ago, I always wore my hair down, you would rarely ever catch it in an updo), and wearing your hair up all the time can be a sign that you need a trip to the salon. I made an appointment for tomorrow and I am SO excited. I am still going to keep my hair long, but it will have style again! The biggest change is that I am going back to blonde! I miss my goldilocks, and it's always fun to switch things up. I have gone through many shades of blonde throughout the years, and will definitely be staying away from the overly blonde look, but the colour definitely won't be close to what it is now. I will post a picture or two on tomorrow's blog of my new hair and will do a new vlog (video blog) over the week-end, so don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel (click here)! It's free!

Another reason to subscribe to my YouTube channel is because I am going to be having an upcoming Valentine's Day give-away contest! Love is in the air, and I would like to spread some more love around. I will let you know more details soon!


If you love savoury food like me, then you will love these Italian little pieces of heaven. Chris actually introduced me to these, and after my first bite I was hooked. Aurora Chili Tarallini are delicious and they definitely have a nice kick to them. You'll have to research where you can get them in your area, but basically I would do a Google search for stores that import Italian food. Here is a link to these heavenly treats so that you can see what the packaging looks like. If you don't like spicy food do not fret, they also come in olive oil and fennel flavours.

If you're looking for a hilarious and great new book to read, then look no further. For you Brits out there (like me) you will recognize this author instantly. A Tiny Bit Marvellous by Dawn French is definitely enormously marvellous and is a must have for your book collection. Each chapter is told from the point-of-view of a different family member, which makes for some great family antics. This book is full of swear words, so it's not for the young readers out there, but for us oldies, it's a hoot! I promise you that you will be laughing out loud when you read this (always fun when you are sitting in an airport waiting lounge). Click here to order yours. Chapters has used copies that start from about five dollars! Saaaaweeet!

Since the weekend is fast approaching, I thought that it would be appropriate to include a wine recommendation, and today I would like to honour a Canadian vineyard. This particular wine might be difficult to get your hands on, but it definitely deserves some big time recognition. Jost Vineyards are located in Nova Scotia, Canada and their wine is amaze-balls. I am a huge fan on New Zealand white wine and I have to say Jost wine is pretty comparable (a big complement from me)! If you are able to find a bottle of their 2012 L'Acadie Pinot Grigio, then grab it and don't let go. Actually, if you can find any of their wines then do the same thing! You won't regret it. I had the opportunity to visit their vineyard and it was picturesque, and the guy working behind the bar was definitely heavy handed on his pouring (always a great thing when you aren't driving!). Click here to see their wine selection and to see where they are located just in case you get a chance to visit them!


After Tuesday's blog I really should have knocked on wood (click here to read that blog). I don't know if Nelly read what I wrote and decided that she had been well behaved for far too long, but boy did we have a bad moment. Let's just say that I couldn't wait for Chris to get home. 

We are back to the good life now, but I think it's important to let you guys know the truth. It is not all sprinkles and glitter owning a puppy, dog, or any animal for that matter. Just like you have some not so great moments with humans, you also have them with puppies, no matter how cute they are! 

Just know that it's normal and it's ok. When you are going through a bump in the road with your animal, my biggest piece of advice is to put them in a safe place and then walk away for five minutes (or longer if you need it) and take a breather. This advice can also be applied to human being situations!

The good news is that Nelly and I have far less of these moments, but I can guarantee that bad moments are going to happen again. I am working on not pulling my hair out in these moments as well, and day by day it seems to get a bit better (sometimes with the help of a glass of the wine I recommended above. A glass of red wine is good for the heart so don't judge... ok I didn't recommend a red specifically but Jost Vineyard also has some great reds!) :) .


If you would like me to review a product, or if you have any business enquiries, or…………. if you have any suggestions of what you would like to see on my blog or YouTube Channel, email me at

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"No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich." Louis Sabin

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