Saturday 11 January 2014

Ask Nelly Bellie Video & Christmas Giveaway Contest Winner Announced!

Hello Nelly Belliers,

I hope that you are all having a relaxing week-end (or a spicy one)! My week-end started off with a bang last night. Chris and I went to see our bank fella (for future exciting plans) and he actually thought that I was Anna Paquin! I have been told that twice now, so Anna, it looks like you have a twin out there. If you need a movie double just let me know. :)

I have two exciting announcements / updates to tell you today!


The first one is that I have started a new series on my YouTube channel. I thought it would be really fun, funny, and different to do an "Ask Nelly Bellie" series. Here is the link to 'Episode 1' (click here). Don't forget to leave your questions for Nelly below this blog, below the video in the comments area, or you can even ask her questions on Twitter. She will answer your questions in upcoming video episodes (if she wants to... she can be a bit picky at times).


My Christmas Giveaway Contest is officially now closed (click here to see the video). I had so much fun buying prizes for this contest, especially because I went shopping with a very small budget. I wanted to prove that I could get some great stuff with only twenty dollars in my hand, and I think I accomplished my goal. There are always great sales going on, so don't forget to look in all the nooks and crannies of a store! You would be surprised what you can find!

I had lots of entries for this contest, and I want to thank EVERYONE that took the time to enter. It was so much fun reading all of the responses, and it honestly meant the world to me! I am a very new blogger / YouTuber and I really do appreciate every comment, every follow, every subscription, every thumbs up, etc. So thank you all! I will be having a lot more contests this year, so don't worry if you didn't win, there will be LOTS more chances to win free stuff. 

I also want to take a small moment here to talk about why interaction and feedback is so important. First of all, blogging and vlogging should truly be an interactive process. It's like a virtual conversation (or conversations) where I get to share things with you, but where you also get to share things with me. It definitely wouldn't be the same if it was a static process, and it's truly the interaction that makes me want to do this. I love hearing your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions, and I honestly read everything, and put each comment in a special spot so that I don't forget anyone. I have also been asked "why do people need to thumbs up a YouTube video or subscribe to your channel"? Not only does a thumbs up tell me that you like a video (and hence I will make more of them) but it also helps with your viewership. You will only be viewed more on YouTube if you have more subscriptions, more thumbs up, and more video views, and the more viewers that I have the more interactive the process becomes. I hope this all makes sense? If you have any more questions about this, ask away. Like I said, I love having conversations with you guys, and it's the main reason I am doing this. (For those of you don't know, you can post a question / comment below any blog page. There will always be an area at the very bottom of the page.)

Drum roll please. I am extremely please to announce the winner of my 2013 Christmas Giveaway Contest. Congratulations to Avril! I hope that you enjoy the products, and thank you so much for entering!


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Some days you're the dog; some days you're the hydrant.” ~ Unknown

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