Sunday 5 January 2014

Sunday Schmooze Savouries Sweets and Scrabble

Hello Nelly Belliers!

I hope you are all having a relaxing Sunday before returning to real life tomorrow. Sometimes Sunday's can be a bit gloomy, as Monday is not far behind, so I thought it would be fun to do a 'Sunday Schmooze Savouries Sweets and Scrabble' post.


I have noticed a few comments floating around the world of YouTube that are quite negative and nasty (not on my channel, but on YouTubers that I follow). Some are directed at the person making the videos, but some comments are directed at their partners, etc. 

I would just like to say that words said online can be just as hurtful and harmful as those said in person. So let's try to spread more love and kindness this year. 

I think we should all take a minute to think about our initial reaction to something, and really ask why something might be the way it is (this also pertains to the non-online world as well). For instance, just because someone chooses to blog and vlog it doesn't necessarily mean that their boyfriend or girlfriend, partner, etc wants to be on camera or included. My boyfriend hates being on camera but at times he has no choice depending on what I'm shooting, or at times he will be on camera here or there for me (he's the best).

I remember when my dad got a video camera (wayyyyyyyy wayyyyyy back, the really big clunker kind that took those huge tapes) and my mum would always say "don't point that thing at me". Now imagine that scenario but shared with the world.

So if you see someone who doesn't look too happy on a vlog, remember that they are an innocent bystander. They are being more than kind just being on the videos! Imagine if your partner was a dentist, and you had to go to work with them every day (ok that is my own personal nightmare).


As some of you may know, I have a slight addiction to sausage rolls. My addiction started pretty much from the moment I entered the world, and when I was in school my mum would make me homemade sausage rolls to take for my lunch (yes I was spoilt, go mum!). My friends would try to 'trade' their food with me, but they had nothing that could come close to my little piggies in their blankets, so I always gobbled them up. 

Over the holidays I made sausage rolls twice. The first time I made them with store bought puff pastry, but I just can't eat that stuff any more. Not only is it not fair on the sausage, but it actually makes me sick (and my mum would be appalled). 

So for the second round I thought I would try Gordon Ramsey's Rough-puff Pastry recipe (click here to try it out). Let's face it, we all need a little Gordo in our life, and using his recipe gives you a good reason to swear in the kitchen. These little guys turned out great, but I have to say "holy butter batman". Now, I do have a sensitive stomach, but even Chris went in to a butter coma. If you make these I would definitely try to cut back on the butter (if possible, you might have to play around), or maybe you could substitute here or there for something else. Or if you make as is, then only eat two in one sitting. Is that even possible?

Once I find the perfect puff pastry recipe, I will share it with you (probably in vlog format). 
Until then, the search continues...


Since today is the last day of the holidays, I thought it would be nice to make something different for breakfast (we have been eating Weetabix pretty much every morning up until today). 

Chris and I weren't very hungry this morning, so I ended up making us a brunch treat. I used to make Jamie Oliver's pancakes back in New Zealand all the time, and for some reason I forgot about them. Today I had a new twitter follower from kiwiland which triggered this delicious memory.

I highly recommend these pancakes. They are light, fluffy and ‘lovely jubbly’! I incorporated grated apple and small slices of apple into ours, but I have to say the flavour didn't stand out. I would recommend using blueberries, bananas, or my personal favourite raspberries! Jamie uses pears in his recipe, but they would definitely need to be the really tasty kind in order to stand out. Click here, you will never be the same again. :)

If you only have all purpose flour, do not fret. Here is an easy way to make your own self-raising flour (click here).

"All I ever wanted to do was to make food accessible to everyone; to show that you can make mistakes - I do all the time - but it doesn't matter." ~ Jamie Oliver


Today's word is Saponify.

v. - Become converted into soap by being hydrolized into an acid and alcohol as a result of being treated with an alkali

v. - Convert into soap by hydrolizing an ester into an acid and alcohol as a result of treating it with an alkali

Sunday Pics

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"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." Groucho MarxThe Essential Groucho: Writings For By And About Groucho Marx

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