Happy New Year everyone! I can't believe it is already 2014. I remember when I was younger and it felt like time was going so slow, and then boom, you are an adult with a family, living somewhere you didn't imagine you would be. Life is cray cray.
My 2014 Rant
Not to get all "listen to me, I'm an adult" on you, but if you are younger, enjoy it! Go on adventures, and do as many things as you can (that are safe and good) before you have responsibilities, bills, and all that jazz. Don't get me wrong, I love my life right now, I just think that sometimes we are all in such a rush to grow up, that we forget all the amazing things and opportunities you have when you are young and free.
If I could go back in time, the only thing I would have done earlier is travel travel travel. I am so lucky that I got to live in New Zealand at the age of 29, but it just showed me how important travelling is. Personally, I feel that going somewhere on your own, gives you so many life skills that you can never learn at University, or travelling an hour down the road, or even travelling with someone else. It changes you forever, and unless you have done it, it's truly unexplainable to anyone that hasn't (you almost feel like you can conquer the world). If we are blessed with kids, I will definitely be encouraging them to go on an OE (Overseas Experience). So go! Get a working visa while you can (there are age limits to them) and go on a life adventure. You have plenty of time to work, get married, and have kids (if you want them). Ok, that's my 2014 rant done. :) (I've included some pics of New Zealand below to get you inspired! Also if you have any questions about working visas, etc, definitely contact me. I'd be glad to help.)
New Year's Resolutions
While I am not making any resolutions this year (click here if you don't know why), I do have some goals for my blog that I wanted to share with you guys.
I am definitely going to be putting up way more vlogs (video blogs) (I really needed a new camera so now that I have one I'm ready to rock n' roll) and I am working on creating a schedule for myself, so that I am more organized for you and for me. I have had a couple of requests that I will definitely be including: 1. more recipe vlogs (like this one) and 2. a "what's in my closet" vlog. The second one is definitely more difficult because I am a bit of a clothes horse (a Thursday truth for you!). I love fashion, and I love a variety of styles, so I might turn this in to a small series. Let me know what else you would like to see this year? I read all of your requests, and really enjoy the interactive process of blogging and vlogging.
Other vlogs I will be doing include: reviews on puppy/dog products (so if you have anything you would like me to review, please contact me) and "Nelly Bellie Tips" blogs where I give you guys tips on raising/training/grooming/etc a puppy, and of course truths on having a dog. I think sometimes we only hear one side of the coin, so if I can give you a more rounded perspective I think you can make a more informed decision on whether owning a puppy/dog is for you.
I will also be making haul vlogs, and doing more giveaways (I'm really enjoying my current Christmas / New Year Giveaway (click here to enter: it closes Jan 10, 2014).
I think it would be really fun to include some "Day in the Life" type vlogs, and in regards to the cooking ones, I would also like to do a "Make or Miss Recipe" vlog, where I try out different recipes that I find, make them, and then let you know whether they are good / bad / or let you know things that I feel need to be altered.
We also have plans to travel to Vancouver (soon-ish) so I will also be including some travel vlogs for you guys. Finally, we have some exciting stuff happening this year (which I will reveal when the time is right) so there are going to be surprise vlogs as well.
The Truth About Owning a Puppy
As per above, I want to give you a more well-rounded perspective on owning a puppy. Nelly Bellie is now 7 months old, and she is definitely calming down a lot. Don't get me wrong, she still loves to play and run around, but we can let her roam around the apartment more without worrying that she is going to chew something, or pee on the floor. She still has the odd accident here or there, but overall they are becoming few and far between.
One thing that hasn't changed much is her stubbornness. Sometimes when I tell her to sit or come it can take about 10 times of repeating it until she actually does what is asked (especially if it involves food in some way, she is food obsessed). For those of you who don't know, West Highland Terriers are quite stubborn breeds. It's just the way they are, and if you get one, you have to accept that quality about them. Sure, you might get the exception to the rule, but I have spent enough time with Nelly Bellie and her fur-Aunt and fur-Uncle to know that most of them love to be stubborn.
Overall, I am definitely enjoying this age more than when she was younger. I think because I can relax more, it has just naturally become more enjoyable for both of us (but I do miss how little and adorable she used to be - she's still adorable but you know what I mean).
I apologize for not putting up a vlog yet. I am STILL sick, and this bug has definitely knocked out all of my energy, but I am on the mend, so it shouldn't be long, I promise.
If you would like me to review a product, or if you have any business enquiries, or…………. if you have any suggestions of what you would like to see, email me at mynellybellie@gmail.com
Thursday Pics of Choice - My New Zealand Adventures
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"Mrs. Campbell once attempted to smuggle her pet Pekingese through customs by tucking him inside the upper part of her cape. "Everything was going splendidly," she later remarked, "until my bosom barked." ~ Beatrice Stella Campbell
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