Thursday, 28 November 2013

Nelly Bellie :: Christmas Haul & Puppy Treats Video & a Nelly Bellie update

Hello Nelly Belliers,

Video #2 is up - Nelly Bellie :: Christmas Haul & Puppy Treats (click here or the image below)

My initial thoughts about starting this blog….

Starting this blog / vlog has been one of the best decisions I have made. Not only do I love working on my blogs and videos, but I am also learning a heck of a lot! 

Unless you've done a blog before, I think you are probably sitting there going "this looks so easy", and "this won't take much time at all". Not true. 

I too didn't understand the amount of work that goes in to posting all over social media (including trying to remember the passwords you have created for each site), writing posts, taking photographs, and of course shooting and editing video. Did I get everything? 

I have also discovered how important your camera choice is and that lighting can be a pain in the you know what. I keep apologizing for the quality of my videos (only 2 so far), but when you look at other blogger YouTube channels, you discover how high the video calibre is out in the online universe. Anyway, I am getting a new camera yahooooo, and I should hopefully have it by next week (fingers and toes crossed). What camera do you guys use in the blogging world?

Update about Nelly Bellie….

Poor Nelly Bellie got spayed yesterday. She came home rather groggy and sore, and we didn't get much sleep last night, but she seems to be doing a bit better today. She hates her cone that she has to wear around her neck (when we aren't around), but hey if you had to wear a cone around your neck and walk on all-fours all day, I think you would hate it too (you think by now that vets would have found an alternative option). Other than the cone all is going well. She is sleeping a lot and she is still food obsessed (that's our Nelly).

Here are some quick tips about spaying your puppy:

  • before your puppy can be spayed your vet will need to do a complete blood work check to make sure they are nice and healthy
  • when should your puppy be spayed? There are lots of different opinions out there, so I would recommend finding a really good vet (we found ours because of a family referral, it's always great to use a vet that someone close to you can recommend). Once you find the right vet, they will be able to make the right recommendation. I would also recommend asking family and friends what they did.
  • are the myths true? Some vets will tell you that your puppy will put on weight after being spayed, and other bits and bobs. Good old Cesar Millan says that a lot of these myths are not true. Here is the link, but again, I would recommend doing your research::
What tips do you have? Or what was your experience?

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I'm half-Irish, half-Dutch, and I was born in Belgium. If I was a dog, I'd be in a hell of a mess!” ~ Audrey Hepburn

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